Guerilla Art

Perhaps made by the Porty Robot maker - it has something of the same style about it. One of three model warships that appeared on the groyne where Jenny Pope's installation was planned (and took place over the weekend). A little cheeky by the artist in my opinion, riding on the coat tails of the Art Walk. Hard not to see it as deliberate, choosing the same groyne as the Art Walk, and providing a distraction from the curated piece. I suspect many visitors, brought to the location by the Art Walk publicity, were fooled, as no doubt the artist intended, into thinking the ships were part of the Art Walk. All part of the nature of public art and you could say it was just another artist contesting the public space but I think it shows a lack of respect for another artist's work, especially as it is simply there, without explanation or rationale. It doesn't even appear to be a specific response to Jenny's Sea Masks, which would be a bit more legitimate.

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