Day 167 - Brunch

I was up early as I had a call with a fellow brand photographer at 9 am.
Great chat and got me going in good time for a Sunday.
I was determined to finish the editing before doing anything else.
I was ready around 3pm and Neil and I went out to enjoy the sunshine.
We walked up and down Byres Road to find a place in the sun and ended up at a bagel shop, without sun but at least outdoor seating.
We also had bagels with our coffee - and they were good!

On the way home we grabbed an ice cream.

Back in the house I continued designing a social media planner for my clients and had fun doing so. Neil have work todo, which he had put off all day.

We et again in the kitchen late for an easy dinner.

I was happy with what I had achieve over the weekend - althoough it was not really proper time off.

Blipping a shot of Neil, a split second before I got shit on by a bird!! I am so glad that I just had moved to the right to get this angle, otherwise The bloody bird would have sit on my head ... the jacket was not that bad ... by the way this was the first time I ever was hit by a bird ... 

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