
Working at home has its obvious advantages, however the invention of the Blackberry is not one of them.
As it was chirruping and pinging away all day, I looked over at the landline phone and thought about how infrequently it rings these days...
..infact our parents and cold callers are the only people who contact us on it.

When I first left home for college (which admittedly was over twenty years ago) I lived in digs that had no phone at all - hard to imagine now. I had a arrangement with my parents that I would ring them from a phone box every Wednesday and Sunday. They had no way of contacting me, except by letter, and I think now that it must have been worrisome for them. At the time it was just how it was and we got on with it.
But the strange thing is, even though there was a phone in the place I lived the next year, we continued to speak on a Wednesday and Sunday, and twenty three years later we still do - it's just kind of stuck. Not exclusively; we can and do ring each other on other days, but only in addition to Wednesday and Sunday.

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