
By RicsPics

The Couch

Pete at the band arranged the van to help me collect a sofa from Queensbury to Eldwick, which we did - and it’s not in my garage as after two hours of trying to get it up the stairs we gave up. The pub is such an old building but I never thought to measure - oops! Anyway it wasn’t a wasted day as Pete stayed for coffee and we had a great chat which was lovely. I’ve been feeling very down recently and seem to have managed to bring myself around again today. Went for a long walk, Had a lovely bath and listened to Faure Requiem. I’m ready for an early night with a busy day ahead tomorrow. With Bolton locked down again including pubs, and Bradford not far behind with the rise in infection rates, it’s a worry. Anyway, it’s nothing a lavender scent stick won’t sort out. Bye

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