The Greenwich Meridian Line separates east from west in the same way that the Equator separates north from south. On the path from pole to pole the Meridian Line passes through England, France, Spain, Algeria, Mali, Burkina Faso, Togo, Ghana and Antarctica.

The actual path is determined by the location of a telescope which is housed at the Royal Observatory in Greenwich, London. Visitors from all around the world make their way to the Observatory to stand astride the Line, as I too have done.

There my intelligence stops - I had not given any thought to what happens to the Meridian Line after that . . . so, would you believe, it leaves land in the north of the UK by East Yorkshire, only 50 miles from home.

The final 7 markers are here and, thanks to Maurice my East Yorkshire guide, we found this one at Patrington, on the north side of the B1445 Welwick Road. There is both a plinth and a road sign to mark the site. This spot is 152 miles (245Km) from Greenwich. Thanks Maurice, my Line Man for the day.

Doh - must switch on my brain !

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