Really lazy me

I've been holding off blipping for a bit, because I am a lazy person.

I DID take the shots, no worries, but they were on my phone or on a cam, or I had to go upstairs for something or another, and then I started not uploading them. And with lazy is also the strange notion to upload them somewhat in order. I dunno, not really a thing for my, but for some reason I just kinda stopped.

Anyway, not a big deal, but I just realized this means I missed my 2000th blip. Well, this is my 2000th upload, one of the ones that might be somewhat pretty of all the mediocre shots I had lined up. Not sure if this'll give me balloons or not?

If it does balloonify me I'll wait for it to go away before backblipping the other shots. But I did keep the streek going :D

2000 shots (and a bit for this and next week) and counting ;)

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