Everyday I Write The Book

By Eyecatching

This too shall pass

I haven’t walked through these woods in about eight months. But today I took the train to meet a colleague in the café opposite one of our offices to discuss our future work collaboration. It felt just like the old days, except there were far fewer cars in the car park at the station and far fewer people on the trains. 

This lockdown art installation in the trees is now showing its age; there was a lot of this in the first few weeks, then fatigue set in and now the children are going back to school. And yet today new restrictions and limits of six people gathering in public places were introduced. It ain’t over yet. The virus seems to be highly infectious although it has mutated into something less serious; but my personal view is that what mutates once can mutate again, and if that happens in the middle of winter ...

Life moves on. There is always change, there is always news to digest. My news today is that my antibody tests were normal, in fact extremely normal if you can say such a thing. On the face of it this seems to suggest I do not have myasthenia gravis as originally diagnosed. My CT scan on Friday is the last test and is unlikely to contradict the first two. This will take me back to square one, suffering double vision but with no explanation of why this is happening. I do have an iron problem however and have been told to start taking the ferrous sulphate again, but that is almost certainly unrelated.

My other news is a confirmed retirement date of 9th October with a short break and then returning part time the following week. Life changing ...

Great headline in the Independent today - "Brittania waives the rules" - but the humour sticks in the throat. Right now I’m ashamed to be British...

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