Nuts !

... and no this isn't a commentary on the Westminster Government.

Rather I am celebrating my first attempt at making nut cutlets, one of the two things* I miss from not have a Sainsbury's nearby.  Alternatives found in other supermarkets are not quite the same. 

Anyhow I searched for various nut cutlet recipes and found one which seemed to approximate the one I was looking for (crucially it had a mix of nuts and grated carrots). The rest as they say is history ..... there will be further makings. 

Awaiting with interest what announcements the Scottish Government will make tomorrow at their next three week review - I don't see any further relaxation of restrictions e.g. to allow indoor events at present but hopefully there won't be further tightenings. 

*the other being their wholegrain bagels but I not quite ready to attempt these (yet). 

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