rhiannon's journal

By rhiannon

time to dream of better places

and i don't exactly mean exmouth (like on the cushion) or lying on my sofa (of which i am planning plenty of this evening!), what i mean is that i finally sat my exams today after lots of worrying...and yeah they were pretty horrible and hard! boo! have no clue how i got on as was completely lost on some questions and it is so easy to lose marks...need to keep reminding myself to be pleased with the amount i have learnt (even if i couldn't remember a great deal of it when it mattered!) and not to get hung up on exams as we all know they don't really mean anything in the grand scheme of things. it was weird doing exams again, in a really old sports hall, with jobsworth invigilators, the nervousness before and talking about answers afterwards, odd noises and flickering lights...glad it's over now and i can work on getting my life back on track and start the holiday wind down! yippee! :-)

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