Big sky - small sheep. And sunshine :0)
Lost my phone on the farm walk this morning , I took my friends labs out as well as little Basil and had my hands full. Got home realised no phone ahhhhhh !! Hopped in my bike and raced back round the tracks and meet a very nice man who took one look at me and said ‘did you drop your phone - I’ve left it in the welcome centre and the money’s still in the case ‘!! Thanks Luke.
Had an afternoon assignation with Hubs looking at a couple of camper vans for sale. Too expensive but really helpful to see how different configurations might work for us.
Had a riding lesson this eve and Daisy went really well, think we turned a corner, she was going fabulously and it felt fantastic , the poor girl was exhausted after with learning to use different muscles ( I’m not far behind her)!
Home to an empty house, a blackened saucepan outside the front door and a distinct wiff of burnt steamed Veg. Poor hubs has far too much on at the moment ....and now he has to sand an millimetre of black goo off the pan!

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