Scottish Flyer

By ianjardine

My Ball

It's Pippin again!

With only 1 day left before he returns home and with the weather due to be quite poor tomorrow, I took him out for a run at Carrs Park once I had finished work. This is straight out of camera and I can't believe my luck that I managed to capture the ball. I just wish that I had left more room around him but in all the excitement I zoomed in a little too close.

I'm still pretty happy at getting this. It's not the best quality as I had to push the ISO to get any kind of shutter speed to freeze him so it's ended up a little grainy. Can't have everything I suppose.

Other news.....

I've fixed the leak and filled back in the hole. I just have to buy turf to fill in the area.

I also now have 5 days off from work so I'm hoping to get out and about with the camera, weather permitting, and with Pippin leaving I'm going to have to get a little more creative with what I Blip. At least it will give you all a break from 'doggy' pictures.

Thank you again for all your fabulous comments on yesterdays image, I so appreciate hearing from you. And with some time off from work I will catch up on all your own images.

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