My Beloved Harry
The Hairy Woodpecker, forever referred to as Harry, is one of my favorite birds. True, I do enjoy all birds, and most more than a few others, but there’s a handful I look forward to seeing. It goes beyond their appearance, it’s about personality and habits • This Harry is a male because of the splash of red on his head. It gives him such a distinguished look. He loudly chirps when at the feeder and does not seem to mind me one bit. Harry is a permanent resident, with us year around. Insects are the favorite in summer, and suet in winter, with nuts and berries rounding out the diet • See those tufts of white feathers at the top of his beak, near his nostrils? They keep out the dust and splinters that form when pecking at trees and wood • Today is Thursday, or Virtual Happy Hour, that we spend with two friends from away. Must get presentable and make my G&T. Mrs.P is opting for ice water today • Cheers!
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