
By seddon

Player of the week

After taking Thomas to school this morning me and Chloe got ready to go swimming, her first Puddle ducks session since lockdown began.
I'm really not sure what to do... The lessons are expensive, and with all of the new covid restrictions they have had to change a lot. There's no more singing allowed, no instructor in the pool - which means no proper swims, and a very strict entrance and exit procedures. I went today completely prepared to give notice to cancel our lessons, but we got there and Chloe loved it. It was like she'd never been away. She had the BIGGEST smile on her face the whole way through, she splashed around and tried her best to dive out of my arms. She waved and said hello to everyone, especially to Ace and Holly who are still in our class. So I think we'll probably end up carrying on for now..
This evening Thomas had football training, he came home with a big smile on his face as he'd won the player of the week trophy (spot the bald patch!).

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