Strange Times

Covid Virus and Downtown Violence have been replaced in our local new by constant updates about the 5 major fires and many smaller fires in our state.   The skies are gray/golden depending on the time of day....the air quality is dangerous for those with any respiratory problems. This Downy Woodpecker looks a little sad which seemed appropriate for a time when it seems like fires are devouring  Oregon. 500,000 families have been evacuated from their homes and several have died. So sad. Rain might be coming by next Monday......I hope it turns out to be a lot of rain....Oregon needs to live up to its reputation of being a rainy state....NOW. 

First we were stuck in the house because of Corvid, now we are stuck in the house because of the thick smoke! But what am I doing complaining? There are thousands of acres burning, people have lost their homes and businesses. So sad.

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