
By EJIkin

Italy does not have talent.

Well by now the holiday and this blip were beginning to feel like it was going on perhaps just a little too long, but i suppose it was just a mindset we'd got into following some very late nights, and full days of walking half way across the city. I'll keep this one fairly short and sweet, by pointing out the two highlights, firstly it was the pantheon, which is just an incredible building to be in, and i recommend it to everyone.
The second, was a church which name escapes me, but it was amazing. It was one of the most beautiful buildings i'd ever seen but i couldn't get over the fact that it was still a practicing church with people praying, whilst there were tourist walking around pointing and talking, so i had to leave early as i found it rather disrespectful. As did my friend who is protestant and was uncomfortable in such a catholic place, which led us to a really interesting debate on religion. Really felt that i've learnt so much from being in the city for just a few days, with certain people. Also learnt a lot of certain people as well.

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