Goodbye Northumberland!
It was quite grey and cold as I went out early to say my goodbyes to Dunstan Steads and the beach at Embleton Bay. The huge skies over the ripe fields of barley were uniformly grey and unwelcoming after the sunny ones we’d had all week. The harvesting which started on Wednesday had been stalled leaving large swathes of uncut barley and tidy rows of straw ready for baling.
As I walked through the sand dunes to the beach, the sun made a half hearted entrance from the wings and provided me with today’s blip.
Back at the house there was the chore of packing up to leave in the era of Covid. All bedding had to be stripped and put into bags according to the bedroom and all towels in a separate bag. We had to leave by 9am and were were able to have our coffee at Carfraemill Hotel just beyond Coldstream.
You will be surprised given our penchant for scones, that none was consumed- only homemade shortbread and an exotic looking florentine.
On cue, as we left, it started to rain and so it was not a triumphal entry into Edinburgh, rather a dismal wet one.
We three Merry Widows all enjoyed our mini break in Northumberland and feel lucky to have had the chance of some light relief after what has been an isolating 6 months, and to return home safely before any more restrictions come into force.
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