Anni Mamundi

By An1ma


... Perhaps not a very exciting photo, I have never blipped one before but they are pretty, and are enjoying a second wind at the moment. 

I'm afraid I'm behind with comments (again). I don't know whether it's an anomoly of mine, or whether we are all affected but I cannot access my comments on here. It's not of any importance except on the odd occasions that I receive a heart without a comment. Then I have no idea where it's from (and probably appear ungrateful in that I don't say 'thank you'). I do receive e-mails about them, but it's extremely time consuming to keep swapping from e-mails to a Blip search and I don't always have the opportunity. Little grumble over.
I apologise. 

It's Friday!
The red wine forecast is looking very inviting and autumnally mellow.
Happy Friday one and all!

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