Mr R and the Jedi

Mr R dropped Xander off at my sister's today after school and came into the Jedi wearing a princess hat .

Xander came home with a certificate today . He got the most Dojo points this week in primary 1-3 . He really is getting on well at school.
I had to phone and speak to his teacher today though because of a little incident which happened to him at school. I have never met his new teacher but she sounds lovely and spoke highly of Xander .

It's been a good day today after a hard hour or so this morning. I enjoyed seeing my sister. I made the point to go see her incase we don't get to see each other again for a while.

Thank you all for your comments regarding Harp. I slept on the sofa in her room last night to keep a eye on her . She is back to her usual self today. I probably overreact to head bumps but I lost a childhood friend when I was ten. The result from a bump to the head.

I hope you all have a lovely weekend. Take care and stay safe. Xx

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