Not doorstep blip

But through the window blip.

I didn’t take a blip on Friday so the following write up is to do with Friday.

I work with two lovely teachers however, their approach to the virus is quite different. B is quite relaxed and N is quite anxious so the last two days I have been cleaning a lot more than I was at the beginning of the week. That’s fine. We have a couple of children who I believe have needs that will need support along with another who I think has anger management issues and another, who is EAL and not talking to us yet, with toilet issues. I’m finding lunch times quite full on, cutting up food, going around with gravy/ketchup/bread and trying to get them out of the hall for it to be cleaned for the next sitting. 

So on Friday afternoon when the little girl had done a massive poo in her knickers (it blocked the loo) and I had to clean her up as N wouldn’t do it, I just felt it was the last straw and I felt quite emotional and stressed, which is very unlike me.

I know I’m tired and, of course, we are all getting used to being in full time after 6 months off (I was back in June but only half days) but I’m sad that I’m feeling so grumpy after week one. I will have a chat with the head on Monday to see if we can have an extra person in the hall at lunchtime and I hope the teachers push for support for the children who need it...... Or maybe I’m just too old for the little ones :-P)))

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