
By ppqwhite

My special wee girl

So last day of midterm here, back to school & nursery tomorrow.

The kids & I went to the cinema this morning to the kidsAM showing. The Rise of the Guardians was playing. Ok I knew it was about Jack Frost but that was about all :( The film started with the opening credits and the rating - a PG oops. So Mum of the year took her nearly 6 year old, 4 year old & 9 month old to a scary movie about the bogie man. Ah well, hopefully there won't be too many nightmares tonight ;)

Anyway after swimming lessons tonight, we were having our tea and I looked across the table to see Hannah sitting there. The camera was sitting on the table and I clicked & took this photo. Where has the 6 years gone? My firstborn, my baby, my toddler, my cheeky wee rascal. I expect so much from Hannah (I don't know why I do) but she is one special wee girl & I love her to bits. Sssshhhh don't tell her that though since she is in the bad books with me for having a messy bedroom lol ;)

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