
By Beewriter


I had a good swim this morning. The water is slightly colder each week, only fractionally, but it makes a difference. I enjoyed it though.

I went to Morrison’s on the way home with Victoria. She always gets dressed, but I don’t bother until I get home. It was slightly disconcerting to walk round a supermarket with nothing on under my dry robe lol.

I went to the podiatrist this afternoon for a little bit of tlc for my feet. I then spent another hour or more trawling the internet looking for a cottage that is free next week. Eventually, we found somewhere...hurrah.

Pat and I decided to nip over to Blackpool late afternoon. It was so busy, we were quite shocked how many people were there. We had forgotten that the illuminations are on. The sea was right in so we avoided crowds and walked along the steps on the beach from the Pleasure Beach to the Tower and back. People were queuing to go down the piers, it was ridiculous. We took a flask of tea and sat watching the sea crashing in. It certainly blew the cobwebs away.

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