The first day of the rest of my life

The future is not clear but it will be different.

My Mum died last night (aged 93!) unfortunately hospital acquired Covid-19 was one complication too many for her to survive but to be honest the original problem of heart failure may have been hard for her to live with for very long.

So after most of the last decade looking after Dad (died in Jan 2018) then Mum my sister and I are free to plan our own futures (within Government guidelines!)

Being free to think of what I want to do and take time doing it will take some getting used to.

Today we walked a short walk with views of Cown Edge then ate too many biscuits and then watched a whole cricket match on the TV - actually not every minute as going out of the room proved an excellent way of England taking wickets leading to a surprsing victory over Australia.

Will I return to Scotland ?  (one day ?)  (perhaps just for a holiday?)

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