
After our swim this evening.

This morning I ‘went’ to my sister’s church (via YouTube), then sorted washing and played my flute.

4ish Cathie said she was coming back from sewing and to get ready for swimming. It was just before 6 when we got in.
It was pretty quiet (probably due to the grey clouds ... ironic having left the dales in glorious sunshine!) but there were at different points a couple people in swimming too.
I was much quicker getting in. (Partly because I knew if I didn’t I’d struggle). We swam north to the first moored boat. Circled round it and came back. I didn’t ‘warm up’ until back at our starting point. Cathie and Jodie got out at that point and I continued on for a while. I could have stayed in much longer. On the way back Jodie was looking for me so I called her and she came swimming back out.
There is something very special about seeing your dog swimming out towards you from a distance. :)

Once we were all dried off and in warm clothes (well Jodie still had her fur coat on! ;). We had our customary hot chocolate. And Cathie had picked up a Betty’s ‘gooy mini rascal’ for a treat.

We walked along to the park and saw a bride and groom having some photos taken at the end of a pier. Very nice.

Then home. :)

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