New Rules for Visiting

A dull day, with low cloud, lots of drizzle showers, and light winds. 

I've been working in the museum all day.  It's been a steady day of visitors.  Met up with mam for lunch.  Headed down to mam's after tea.  I have managed a brisk walk with Sammy, but he seems happier to be curled up on the sofa, and telly on. 

Jonny and the bairns were over visiting mam and dad, it was the twins 12th birthday on Saturday, and I never got to see them due to work.  The new rules came into force today, meaning only two households can meet up, so I was stuck out in the rain for the visit.  Their cheery faces came out to see me in mam's garden, and so good to see them.  As winter approaches, I'm sure they could cut us off from the mainland, with only food, supplies and essential travel only, so we can live relatively normal lives during winter and avoid lockdown rules.  Taken at Aith, Cunningsburgh.  

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