LA9 to CA95010 and back..

By LA9toCA95010

White picket fence

We moved in to a little house. It's very little actually, but sweet. And it has a white picket fence.

The picture is baaad. It was a dull day. I had moved boxes and shifted stuff and tripped and sworn at several of the lovely vintagey-boho-styley items scattered through the tiny house. J pronounced himself 'confused' by the cushions everywhere, so quite a few of the least useful, most in-the-way bits and pieces were duly removed to the storage bunk-room in the garden.

Honestly?....I wasn't really bothered about photos.

oh....but, as I clicked on 'preview' I just noticed the calla lily in the garden. I had red calla lilies in my wedding flowers. That's a nice thing.

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