Anni Mamundi

By An1ma


Defying gravity (or holding on by the tips of its claws) this squirrel did give up a second or two after I'd snapped this one. 

I have spent the day 'tidying up'. 
When Lockdown started I was a woman with a mission and tidied all rooms (and cupboards) with dedicated zeal. Later (when it seemed apparent that it was all pointless, and no one would visit us ever again anyway) I confess I let it all drift to pot. 
Pot, however, has become uncomfortable to live with, so (on this day of glorious sunshine) I have occupied myself indoors and returned Order. (It feels much better I must admit). I confess I am embarrassed about how much body lotion has had to be chucked (because when it's gone off it smells horrid). I am not a user of body lotion. It's not that I don't like it, or it's beautiful fragrance (usually), but I never have the time to get out of the shower, dry off, and then think 'I know, now I'm dry why don't I grease myself up (all over) and hang around for half an hour (unable to take the lid off the marmalade jar) while it all 'sets*' nicely and leaves me smelling like a bouquet of flowers?' (*Not all body lotion does this. Some is booby trapped to leave you slippy as a ferret all day). 
I don't know any other women who have the time for it either, most of us are combing our hair at the same time as cleaning our teeth in the morning (but, I haven't asked all of them, because some of them were the ones who bought me the lovely present of body lotion. And, I'm all for it in principle, just not in practice).

Grumpy? Never! :-)


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