Shoots You Sir

Alfie has his mate, Louis round for some shooting practice. They’ve been chums since their days at playgroup and we’re always pleased when Alf spends time with someone other than his girlfriend. In my head, he’s still Little Louis from playgroup but today was sporting a very fine and lustrous beard. Oh, I feel old!
It’s been HOT! I did 2 lots of washing, cleaned out the chickens and changed the beds. Managed a bit more of my book ‘The Lying Room’ which I’m enjoying.
We received the sad news that Aunty May died this morning. She had reached the grand age of 106. I’m sad that we hadn’t been able to see her for so long because of the stupid pandemic. It feels like the end of an era.
My friend, T is due any minute for some pre-birthday drinks in the garden.

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