Pink Twinkles

By Pinktwinkles

W is for Walking

First of all, thanks so much everyone for comments on yesterday's blip. I am totally amazed it got so many comments.

Considering it's a fairly *normal* letter, I've found W rather difficult to take a photo of. There are lots of words, but the reality of getting a good shot it grim! Having messed about in the bath with water, taken shots of welly boots, Krystal showing me she had learnt to wink and a few other things, it was time to go to nursery to get Kory.

On the way out Krystal was going on and on like a wee budgie "Walking, no big buggy, me walking, buggy and baby, I pushing, me walking, walking walking" and so here we have just that. Walking!

Needless to say really, and anyone with kids will probably understand this, we had to abandon the buggy halfway (in a friends garden) and carry her. And she cried the whole way home. So next time she nags at me for "walking", she can take a hike! Maybe a bit harsh, she's not even 2 yet!!

Only 3 more to go until I complete my Alphabet Blipping (which starts here) and I'm actually impressed I've seen it through this far.

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