Wednesday's painting...


I went down to the docks and the river.
My plein air this morning on my iPad in ZenBrush2 
Sitting on a bench watching the water rushing up the river with flotsam and jetsam.
The tide was coming in...

It was all lines. There were more pylons than this. And of all things was a catamaran on the other side of the river bank at a crazy angle. Was it beached? I don't know but it had two red lights on the side by the river. I drew the line at drawing the catamaran...

The bridge is to the right off picture. I call it the string bridge because it has more lines on it than any sane person would want to draw. My daughter thinks it is a tremendous piece of engineering. She would, she's an engineer..

Another day I may draw that bridge when I have figured it out.

When I got back home at midday I fell asleep a few hours...all that river/sea air.

Anyway, here is my painting for today...

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