Black-capped Chickadee
The birds are happy with their new feeders and have nearly emptied them in the past few days. Along with the chickadees, there have also been House Finches, Red-breasted Nuthatches, Blue Jays and Northern Flickers. Even though I can't see the feeders from the living room, I can stand at the window and see them well. :-)
The devastating fires rage on and more smoke has settled into the St. Vrain Valley, where I live. Once the wind has blown the smoke in, it takes a long time to dissipate because it gets trapped against the foothills. When I want to complain about the smoke, I think of the poor people in the paths of the flames, those who have been killed or lost loved ones, those who have lost everything. Please keep them in your thoughts and prayers.
I had a long, pleasant talk with my sister today. I am grateful that she has finally figured out that I don't want to hear her political views. If she starts, I say, "This is one of the things we shouldn't talk about", and she stops. Except for politics, we have so much in common and really enjoy talking to each other. :-)
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