A Hawk Trumps an Abstract Flower

I put the Abstract Flower for AT in extra.....when this hawk appeared on my back deck I changed my mind about Blipping it today. This Cooper's Hawk is small and definitely acting like a youngster; he sat on the railing, flew down to the ground, then back to the railing, over to look at itself in the window and then back to the rail.  I had plenty of opportunity to photograph it through the window. He finally flew away to a tall tree across the golf course and the little birds returned to the feeders. There are many Lesser Goldfinches and a couple house finch out there now.

In the Abstract photo the trees on the left look that way because of the smoke still hanging around; but the sun is peeking through a little too. Hopefully a little rain shows up tonight or tomorrow. The beach is reported to have clear skies, but my husband has a doctors appointment tomorrow so we can't head over there until Friday evening or Saturday morning.

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