Watercolour Painting Workshop

Furlough Day 158, 18.09.20

Something new for me to do  as I'm getting bored of furlough...

Last week I came across a leaflet our tutor at the 'Lunchtime Sketch Club' at work gave us and looked on the website.  Then I emailed her and asked if she had any classes happening and she happened to have a space on this one.

Its held only 15 minutes drive away from me on a beautiful farm - Micklems Farm (they even had a swimming pool there) with horses and sheep at least.  A massive flower garden too though I have found hay fever an issue today :)

L went through stages of painting and this was our first attempt.  Each to choose a different single colour to work in monotones....  The strip at the side to make the tones of colour, then to work from that.

All COVID observations correctly done and we wore masks most of the time except when facing away from each other at our tables against the wall and outside at lunchtime.

I've treated myself to some watercolour paper, so watch this space next week :)

We were allowed to pick flowers for ourselves, and they maybe another blip sometime :)

In the extras, some of the grounds, some of the beautiful black cats (there were 5), one so like my Beautiful Billy Boy, and 2 and 3 of my paintings today which included a blossom tree using masking fluid  :)

Happy Friday folks :)

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