
3years 115days

I dropped Katie off this morning and it was a little chilly, but milder than it has been. So it was a bit of a surprise that mid afternoon the snow came, and carried on coming!

When I arrived for Katie, she gave me the biggest of cuddles and a kiss. She then wanted to run back to play - because they had just finished building the brand new dolls house in her room. They have spent lots of the afternoon "helping" Stephen (the one man, so he got nominated to do all the building!) as they also have some new little wooden tables and chairs for them. They have a whole new home corner too, which all the children are excited about.

I did manage to get her out, and wrapped up in all the extra clothes I'd bought thanks to the snow. Katie enjoyed running round in it, being the first to make tracks, playing boo round the tree. She decided on the way home that Grandad was coming and was very sad when his van was not on our drive. She was of course then extremely excited when they pulled up and have joined us for tea.

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