Mulch Ado about Saplings

Out bright and early today to join with others of the Wotton Climate Action Group, to weed, water and mulch a few hundred saplings planted earlier up at Matara, on the Cotswold Escarpment. 

This is Tina, Charlie's Rory's mum, holding up the WCAN banner outside her snazzy campervan. 

We managed a good solid two hours before Janet declared. If she hadn't done so I may have had to declare for her, as carting barrow loads of compost and manure back and forth was quite exhilarating (that's another word for bloody hard, never mind what the dictionary says).

Happily we still have the rest of the day for fun and games, which are quite likely to take place in the back garden in big glasses, and involve comfy chairs and long contented Zzzzs.

Oh, yesterday's mystery flower didn't get much love, but here it is. Yucca.

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