Ashdon Halt...

I'm drawn to this place and today I went with my large format camera...

MPP Micro Technical 5 x 4 and Schneider Kreuznach Xenar 150mm f4.5 lens, Fomapan 100, f22 at 1/10 sec. Scanned with Epson Perfection V800.

I find it quite amazing that this old Great Eastern Railway carriage is still there slowly rotting away... And in a way it's a sad sight too.

'After a local campaign the residents of Ashdon were given a new halt which opened on the up side of the Audley End – Bartlow line on 14 August 1911. The platform was constructed of raised earth and clinker with sleeper frontage to the track and sleeper edging. An old GER carriage body was mounted on the platform in 1916 to act as the waiting room. The carriage was stripped internally and wooden benches fitted to the sides. The Fallowden Lane level crossing at the north end of the halt was the only level crossing on the branch.

After the war (WWII) the service began to deteriorate with freight traffic in decline following the lifting of petrol rationing. By the early 1950's the increase in car ownership led to a dramatic loss in passenger revenue but as several of the surrounding lines closed the Saffron Walden branch survived and as part of the 1955 BR modernisation plan diesel rail buses were introduced on 7th July 1958. Despite their success the line was listed for closure in the 1963 Beeching Report and despite a spirited local attempt to keep the line open the passenger service was withdrawn from 7th September 1964. Within a month of closure, BR announced their intention to withdraw freight facilities from 28th December 1964.'

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