
By momarazzi

mardi gras

Mmm mmm mmm, King Cake! This delightful Mardi Gras tradition started in France during the 12 century. Its shape is in honor of the circular travel pattern taken by the 3 Wise Men...necessary to thwart King Herod's plan of killing Jesus.

Mardi Gras, which literally translated means Fat Tuesday, is rooted in Church history. The Tuesday before the beginning of Lent is the final day of Carnival celebrations that begin on Epiphany (12th day after Christmas). So...Christmas leads to The 12 Days of Christmas that ends with Epiphany that kicks off the Carnival season that ends with Fat Tuesday before the beginning of Lent! Whew...

Lent is a wonderful time time of fasting, abstinence, and penitence in preparation for Easter. Centuries ago the Fat Tuesday traditions came out of the need to use up rich foods, dairy, meats, and eggs before fasting during the 40 days of Lent. Sadly, Fat Tuesday has morphed into debauchery, gluttony, and excesses of almost everything you can imagine.

It is important to know and understand the historical roots of traditions, laws, beliefs...everything. If you do not learn history you leave yourself vulnerable to distortions of the truth, outright lies, and even repeating the past mistakes of others.

Tomorrow Lent begins, and during this time of fasting and penitence I will turn off the television, internet, and abstain from social media (I will still document our experiences with blipfoto). I will work to better know, and grow closer to my God and Savior, to study His word and the history of His Church.

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