Pushing the lawnmower

While Kent was cutting the grass in the front yard, I put the newly laundered cat blankets out on the back porch and then sat on my stool to see what birds etc I could capture. 

Once Kent made his way into the backyard, I said I'd give him a break and do an area.  Kent got back to cutting the grass and after a while, once again I offered to cut an area.  This gave Kent the opportunity to have a break and it gave me a nice workout.

The temperature was 65º with a wonderful breeze so pushing the lawnmower was like walking with my rollator.  When I was cutting the grass for the second time, Kent picked up my camera and shot the above photo through one of our garden windmills.

By the time all the grass was cut, I had had enough exercise for the day and my left leg was dragging.  We came in and showered and had some lunch.   I then had a nice nap!

In extras I have a picture that a friend sent me a couple of days ago that pretty much sums up the way I have been feeling lately.

Stay at home if you can and take care of yourself and each other xx

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