
By tookie


Today I'm thankful for having had the strength and resilance of this amazing woman --Ruth Bader Ginsberg--who fought tirelessly for ALL of us to insure we ALL have equal access to the "American Dream".  
   I am also very thankful for the cleansing rainfall that has brought back clean healthy air to our region so we can go outside again and the air is glorious.
  Below is a statement put out by Black Lives Matter on RBJ that is very well said:

Today, we honor a trailblazing icon in the fight for gender equality and justice. Our hearts mourn the death of U.S. Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg, a catalyst for change in the fight for voting rights and equal protections under the law for so many often neglected in today’s society. We stand on the accomplishments of her life’s work that have continued to amplify the need to protect and expand equal rights for women and underserved communities.
Justice Ginsburg fought tirelessly to ensure the advancement of the rights of people with disabilities, our immigrant communities rights, ensuring marriage equality and protections for gender orientation. We celebrate women having a voice in the workforce while also having the ability to make decisions for their own health and wellbeing because of the work of Justice Ginsburg.
As a nation, we cannot politicize this moment; instead, reflect on the esteemed career of this heroic feminist voice that has had a profound impact on countless men, women, and children across the globe.
We salute Justice Ginsburg, a woman of resilient courage, strength and character. Often overlooked for positions for being a qualified woman, Justice Ginsburg was determined with tenacity to change the trajectory of inequalities in communities often forgotten. Even to the end of her life, she remained committed to our mantra: that none of us are free, until we are all free. Thank you, Justice Ginsburg, for a remarkable life, career, and for championing what’s right. We will remember your life and continue the work of freedom, justice and equality for all.

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