Random Andom

By RandomAndom

Day 43: The Day I Had Dinner At Jamies

Ding dong, the morons gone!

The saga of the staff member and the colourful tales has come to an end. He did not take the news well. He stormed out in fact. He did call a few minutes later claiming he was very upset and surprised.
How it came as a surprise to him is a mystery to me as anyone with a brain in their fucking head could see this coming.

As a treat McCombers took me out to the new Jamie Oliver restaurant in Aberdeen.
It was the very first night serving, and it was invite only. How she managed to score a reservation is still something of a mystery to me, only raising my suspicions that she may be a secret millionaire, or a ninja.

The restaurant officially opens next week and the first few days have been called a "Training exercise."
McCombers had the Pumpkin and smoked mozzarella Nachos to start and I had the Crispy Stuffed Risotto Balls, which were stuffed with Smoked mozzarella and porcini arancini.
Both our starters were delicious, but the nachos overall were the superior dish. They were amazing.
Also my starter came in a small plant pot looking thing. Which made eating a bit harder than it needed to be.

For mains I had the Game meatball with a tomato & garlic ragu, served with oozy polenta & black cabbage.

McCombers had the Wild Rabbit Tagliolini, which again ended up being the superior choice. Nothing against my meatball, but the rabbit pasta just had the edge.
Overall we were quite happy, especially because we received a 50% discount because it was the first training night.
One of my customers at the shop was also in for dinner, he was not as impressed as us. He had a table of 6, 2 of his party didn't get the starters they ordered, and they had a hell of a long wait.
I think we'll probably go back, it doesn't have the usual suspects that most italians do, no lasagne, no pizza, no spag bol. So there's something of a novelty factor. McCombers was also very impressed with the toilet flusher. Sadly I didn't get the chance to see it myself, but she was very much in awe.

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