Certainly Uncertain

By shyBadger

Yakuza Boss Corra

Continuing my "Dogs in Kimonos" - here's Ms. Corra sporting a dragon/tiger print. Rawr! While she didn't mind wearing it in the least ... being Corra, asking her to pose was a difficult task. I may have pulled out some of my hair asking her to stay and leave the head gear on >< I hope it was worth it!

Good news: Bear is all fixed, paid for, and coming home tonight! Turns out some snow got on top of the engine and melted, filling up 2/4 of the pistons with about 3 inches of water. No wonder it was clunkity! Easy fix, thankfully!

I didn't take any video today, but please enjoy this video of 2 of Corra's half+ sisters. You may see some family resemblance ;)

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