Grumpy and Sneezy
About sums up today. Mr B left very early for his long drive to Caen, while I sniffled my way through another few hours of fitful sleep. The hunters were about again, with three dogs barking their way through our garden and the surrounding woodland, in which hunting is not permitted. Hence the grumpiness. So I hollered at them and they did seem to go away - assisted I think by my chivalrous neighbour chasing them with a garden fork.
Since I was sneezing every minute anyway, it seemed dusty work couldn't make me any worse, so I made a start on dusting, sweeping and hoovering the building dust from the recent work. There is still about a hundred barrow loads of rubble to get rid of, but I didn't feel up to tackling that. Just in the nick of time I remembered TallGirl wanted a lemon cake to take to her art class (they're taking it in turn to take cakes - I don't know why). With CarbBoy's football having changed time again, we opted instead to have a quiet afternoon of homework and gardening (in the sunshine!)
A late finish to taxi duties this evening and I don't think I'll be far behind the kids on the way to bed.
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