Now, as I see it......

By JohnRH

The Chequers

An early walk this morning while it was still misty.  We passed the Chequers pub on the High Street which now looks considerably better than the last time I blipped it; apparently the landlord was not prepared to spend money on it at the time as she was in dispute with the owners.

Having repaired my lawnmower with the £2.90 handle which arrived at the weekend I got inspired, and bravely ventured into the deepest, darkest recesses of my shed, where the bikes are stored.  We have four; my old racing bike (and I mean old; I have had it for nearly 40 years and it wasn’t new when I got it), two mountain bikes and a folding bike that I’ve added as an extra.  I know the racing bike would need a lot of work to make it rideable so left that, but I hoped my mountain bike might be OK.  However, the gears need attention; one of the controls wouldn’t budge so the only gears I could select were medium, high and ‘you’ve got to be joking’.  As my repair skills are limited to a squirt of WD40 and poking it with a stick, it will need to go in for a service.  However, I got the folding one going so went for a short ride, my first for about seven years.  I really enjoyed it and must get back to it as my main exercise.  However, I’m very much a ‘cycle clips and flat cap’ cyclist; I’ve never worn Lycra in my life and don’t intend to start frightening the local wildlife now.

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