
By sas05

bathroom odyssey , day ...whatever cos forgot

today started with a banging headache... thought the gods were against me.. with 13 in the date perhaps this would explain this dire feeling ... i neednt of worried .. it came good,, pills a plenty ..headache went ,, a stroll round town.. coffee with a friend and ali .. . very pleasant , although didnt really help with the bathroom i got stuck in good style when got home.. we now have walls..and a painted door..its looking dare i say it ..nice... might even get some tiles on the walls tomorrow.. hey ,, hows that for confidence...adding to the general joy joy feeling is that my pet project which has just started has done good !! already my pix from saturday nite for No jacket required has been used on their own website, which im rapped about .. gone a along way in a short time with this project ... its been well received from the bands that i have photographed and im starting to get known .. its great fun being around the music scene and im glad to be able to in a small way help promote these bands.

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