It's a Geeks Life

By geekmeek

Street Photography Diet

I was overwhelmed yesterday with your protests when I said I wouldn't be doing Street Stuff for a while. I was also concious that you had all assumed Russ to be the Bad Guy for telling me to slow down and stop Street. It is advice that I am happy to follow. For how long I am not sure.

So here's the deal. I have to do a Blip, so I have to shoot something. I had manny reccomendations yesterday from Food, Landscapes and Precinct or Alley Way Photography ;-)

1.) I will slow down and consider what I shoot
2) I will try and focuss on things that I can take my time with and not make snap shots. (So there may be some Street)
3) I have set the camera to save a JPEG as well as the raw. And unless really desperate I will post the JPEG straight from the Camera
4) I will shoot less

Today I shot just 10 exp. This shot was Raw so I had to do a little Curves and sharpening, but there is no cropping or straigtening. So like in the shot, I will hold the rail for a while and I won't run.

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