
By RaceyTrace333

Purchase Deep Octagonal Softbox

I was up early today, alarm went off and friend phoned me as a safety precaution after yesterday's events.

Off to the city I went. Had 2 really good meetings. However, got on the wrong tube and off at wrong station. Was supposed to be going to Moorgate and changing, and I went to Holborn. Fortunately had enough time, so I was not late.

After my meetings finished off I went to The Flash Centre and purchased this, for my studio kit. My sister rang tonight to advise me my stand has arrived. So ready to go, got some models lined up as well. Single portraits and families.

Just having a relaxing bath as I type, as walked so far today I ache. Still good for my healthy regime. Hopefully loose some weight this week, as stayed the same last week. Although I was naughty, cheesecake, and other bad things. This week being better. Had homemade meatballs for tea.

Hope your week going well, after all peek of week already. Where do the weeks go? I have 4 more weeks and week off, cannot wait! Been told got to have my holiday this year, so first of 5 weeks booked!

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