Proud Weegie

By Shiv

Chinese New Year

Busy day for No 3 and her best friend (her dad!) . Mr S took her to the tennis centre at Craiglochart for hot chocolate, then off to the Chinese Supermarket to buy supplies (and chopsticks !) then off to post a Valentine Card to her boyfriend F.

Came home early afternoon, everyone at home. Very wet and windy, so we spent the evening watching 'Chocolat' . Liked the movie better than the book (possible because Mr Depp appears in it with a natty ponytail).

Going to try giving up alcohol for Lent. Tried last year, and only lasted a week or so. Mr S has stocked up the fridge with wine and beer to torment me (he has a strange sense of humour !).

Waiting for a delivery of Roman Polanski's version of Macbeth to watch with No 1. I keep telling her you can't READ Shakespeare or Burns, you have to listen to them spoken to appreciate them. Not sure she is convinced. Mind you I made her sit through the Kenneth Brannagh version of Much Ado about Nothing and she didn't get ANY of the jokes !

Here's No 3 trying to master chopsticks (she cheated!) - sorry about the blur - she moves fast !

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