I am taking the pish (and the sh*t)

It was snowing and lying on the beach when Eco mum and I headed out with Juno to the local shops on foot. We met a roe deer that ran in front of us on the road.

Shopping over we returned to make breakfast, it was great cooking away and chatting. Then eating and chatting.

We have had a great couple of days, cheers for inviting us.

We had to head home as I was on a first aid course in the evening.

We headed off and the snow was still falling. The road was ok at low levels but as we climbed towards Tyndrum it got a bit interesting and from there to Callander I was concentrating all the time. I stopped at the Stirling Mart to get a break. There was a big animal sale on and it was busy. Eyes given a rest and something to focus on that was not white.

Home and a chat with eco son, he missed the dog but not us.

First aid course was good.

This was left by the man who emptied the septic tank at the cottage, he is happy at his work.

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