
By Finonina

Parents' Evening

I had a lovely blip of Hubster and No 3 son Pip waiting to see the maths teacher, but they've both gone 'shy'.

So here's the blip of the snowy vista from passenger seat on the way back. And boy did it come down quick.

Well tonight, my chest is swelled out and I'm sooo proud of my baby boy (he'll kill me for that as he's a tall 13 year old). An awesome parents' evening; he's working hard, doing really well, polite and socially responsible. Wow. Ser. So glad he's knuckling down. I won't go on any further.... crowing parents are such a bore :-)

No 2 son Minx had a terrible night, full of flu and fever, although he's a bit brighter this evening. He has an Eng Lit GCSE assessment tomorrow PM, so we're hoping he'll get through that ok.

We're finally bottoming out the diary for the year, so Hubster feels we're getting somewhere now. Venues booked from Brighton to Edinburgh, and all places in between. Should keep me out of mischief.


My back is a little better this evening... I have all my fingies and toes crossed that I'm starting to turn a corner.

Well that's all folks! Stay warm and safe, F x

PS: we had pancakes for tea again tonight. Is that bad?

PPS: I do love my Hubster very much :-) xx

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