
By dunkyc

Our house

I moved into my house a year ago today.

It has been an interesting year and a fair amount has happened, changed and evolved within its sturdy walls.

From initially feeling a little lost with what to do with all the space and just lil’ ol’ me kicking around inside it, the space has morphed into a nice place to be.

Everyone who visits, comments on what a nice feel the place has, which always makes me smile as I have put a lot of thought into what goes where and so forth and have striven for a nice, comforting ambience.

I love it here. I’m comfortable, surrounded by good neighbours and everything I need (shops/river/fields/hills) is but a short walk away.

Most importantly, the children have really settled into it and taken ownership of their little parts of the house, which is just as well as they now spend HALF their time here - something which I never thought would be possible due to work commitments.

Whilst Covid-19 has been devastating for many and for a lot of reasons, I have found the positive in it through the increased time spent in the house with my children, particularly the younger ones. I am ashamed to admit that I have in the past taken them for granted, but never again. The same with the Eldest. Having our own space with our own rules has given us the opportunity to reforge our relationship and we’re the stronger for it.

The Eldest is under the weather today, but together with two thirds of my offspring, we raised a glass and a smile at dinner to the house I bought and which we turned into our home.

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