Who needs brakes anyways...
Part of the pretrip inspection this morning, I noticed the anti lock brake light on the trailer didn't cycle through so time to investigate why.
The standard is to clean the electrical connection on the truck and trailer and spread the pins to make sure they have good contact. That didn't fix it. Time to check the lightbulb on the trailer - it was unplugged. Plugged it back in, reset the system and everything worked fine. What likely happened was the previous driver didn't want to deal with the light being on, risk a fine and... just unplugged it - he will be written up for this as he should be. Safety shouldn't be overridden unless no other choice (yes there are times).
Different braking systems you need to learn how to panic stop - manual braking is different than ABS and.. When the ABS system fails on the truck or trailer it defaults to manual brakes where the failure is. Trying to stop a truck with ABS and a trailer with manual brakes or the reverse - can get very interesting.
Headed to northeastern Washington tomorrow which also means sleeping in the truck.
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